Consulting vs. Therapy


Erica provides Consulting/Education which is a non-clinical service. Consulting supports those who are trying to develop more accessible & equitable spaces and services. Erica also provides education on expanding the definition of accessibility & what it actually means to have accessible spaces.


Mental health therapy is appropriate for everyone! It can be particularly supportive for those who may be currently struggling with a mental health diagnosis, unprocessed trauma, substance use struggles, and/or with maintaining care for themselves and/or those they are responsible for.

Why can’t I work with Erica for both consulting AND therapy?

Consulting and therapy meet different needs, and as a licensed therapist Erica will refrain from creating dual relationships with clients. It’s important to decide which service is appropriate for you. If you begin consulting with Erica, and it is determined that mental health therapy is a more appropriate need - Erica will provide some outside referral options.